I've never been so anxious for summer in my whole life. And I have a feeling this will be the best one yet. So let me reminisce on this flashback Friday, about the competition. The summer to beat is '03. Summertime in Logan, Utah
The roommates . . .
Liz Hales and I had been living together since the fall. And it was bliss. I LOVE LIZ!!! I moved in to her room so we could be room-roommates and stay up late talking. Our other three roommates moved out and three more moved in. It didn't take long for us to become good friends with Kim Webb and Kacey Holden. We had our differences, Kim and Kacey liked to work out and eat right. They ran for hours every day and ate rice cakes for a snack. Liz and I on the other hand, we'd been known to down a whole pizza and a tub of ice cream after our weekly Basketball games, the only workout we ever got. Well, that and walking up the hill to school. But the great thing about summer is you don't have to go to school, so no hill. Anyway, the things we had in common were what made us friends. All four of us wanted to have a good time. We were always meeting new people and found something to entertain us every night. I still can't believe how much fun we had. Everything from floating down the river, video taping random apartment thefts, tackling strangers, and many many bonfires. Thanks ladies for the most fun summer ever.
My jobs . . .
I had been working at Golden Corral for a full year, and wasn't about to quit. The money was really good and I had lots of friends to work with. But I also wasn't able to work full time, so I found another part time job. At the Buckle. I loved it. The sales end of it was a bit difficult, but it was just like shopping all day. And every now and then you get a customer who really needs your help and it's so fun to please them. And of course, the discount was great! I stocked up on clothes (and spent half the money I earned).
The girls. . .
Liz and I were busy making friends with everyone that seemed fun. These three girls really caught our eye. I recognized Lyndi Wayman from the GC and took the initiative to be friend her. After that becoming friends with Kiera George and Daphne Hartziem was easy.
As I was looking through pictures to scan I noticed we were laughing hysterically in all of them. That's how much fun we had together. We had girls night out, ate pies, and giggled about the boys we liked all summer long. It was so fun to have such good friends close by.
The incidents . . .
This summer was really weird because I got sent to the hospital three times in like two weeks. First, a bee stung me (practically on the behind). I had my friend pull out the stinger and thought nothing of it. Till a few days later, when my neck grew a lump the size of an apple. Hospital trip #1. I think I'm allergic to bees.
Then, a couple weeks later, I got herpes! That's right, an STD. And the Doctor refused to believe I was morally clean. You should read the diagnosis. It makes me sound like a horny lesbian. But I stand by my statement, Liz had a cold soar that I caught and it was all down hill from there. My gums, lips, and tongue were infested with cold soars. I couldn't eat, talk, drink, swallow my spit right, nothing. It was so gross. And super painful. So bad I went to the ER twice. The second time in tears, begging for answers from a different, more qualified Doctor.
The boys . . .
I started the summer out in a relationship. It didn't last long. After I realized all the fun I'd be missing I dropped him. He'd moved back to Idaho and I just wasn't up for the long distance thing.
Then I almost got kissed by a German. Parts of me wish I hadn't fallen off the couch just so I could say I kissed a Nazi. He didn't like those jokes though.
Near summers end I fell in love. And learned some of the greatest lessons I ever could have. I learned to recognize when a relationship just isn't meant to be. That lesson made it much easier for me recognize when it was so right. Heavenly Father knows what He is doing and despite all the heartache I went through at the time, I'm grateful for the experience I had. Each time I fell in love before I met Ben, just makes me realize how much more I love him.
4 years ago
1 comment:
I'm so glad you blog. I came to blog shortly after you commented but forgot about it until I saw you on Tara's blog. Your life is so exciting, teaching in DC? Wow.
Plus I love the flashback. I met you right after that summer. Because of you, I met Ricky and all those guys. Which made my Sophomore year exciting. It's fun to hear stories from USU. Good times.
I'm glad everything is going well.
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