And this post wouldn't be complete without mentioning the family I inherited with marriage. I have the greatest in-laws in the world. Ben's parents are so selfless and giving. I'm continually amazed by the lengths they go to for their children, all seven of them. Ben's family is opposite mine, full of females. I love each of his sisters so much. Bizzie is HILARIOUS! Jessica is sincerely one of the nicest people I know. Katie is so full of life. Lauren makes my day each time I get to talk to her on facebook, she's the reason I log on every night. And Sam is the greatest big sister on the planet. I love these girls. They are the sisters I always wanted. And I can't not mention Brian and Jamie, they are such model parents. And I can't wait to go to Twilight with Jamie. Yeah!
And don't I have the most adorable nieces and nephews?
I love them so much and I don't get to see any of them nearly enough. I'm counting down the days till Christmas when I finally get to spoil all those Bassett kids at once (I've never been with all four of them at once, and I get like four days of it!)
One last shout out to my Mom and Dad. I feel like I didn't brag about them enough in this post. But what more can I say, look how I turned out? Doesn't that prove how amazing they are? I learned my social and service skills from my mother and hard work and dedication from papipo. They are the best.
Honey, how you turned out is 'in spite' of your folks, not 'because of your folks!' But nonetheless that was sweet of you and yes I was a little surprised we came in third! But then I remembered Christmas is just around the corner and ,of course, if you want to be in 'the will' you should surely put your folks ahead of your friends!!! Family is the greatest and I am so blessed with such wonderful children, all 7 of them, and such perfect grandchildren. Oh, how I love you all and can hardly wait for the ho, ho holidays! Boy am I ready. I mean I even have gifts wrapped!!! Just too exicted to have everyone together!
I will have to "ditto" Mom's comments. She said it perfectly. It was very kind of you to allocate third place for us. Bronze is better than silver or gold any day!
And, by the way, Mom's comment about Christmas is TRUE! She is getting a little crazy, but I'm not too worried YET!!
You do have such a wonderful family! They are always so much fun and great to be around!! I agree about being the only girl also..Way cute blog by the way! how do you get your header like that??
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