Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Titans

I always loved this movie.But it is so much better now that I:
A) Have lived in the DC Metro area (I drive past the Historic school each Sunday on my way to Church).
B) Have taught in an all Black inner city school
And most importantly
C) Have taught in a racially diverse inner city school


Claudia said...

The experiences you are having will be treasures for a lifetime. I envy my baby girl in oh so many ways.
Bev just called and appointed me a delegate to the County Convention. There are apparently no Democrats on this side of town! I was out of town when they held precinct meetings. Amazing that people can be so blind!!! Utahns think it dangerous to think for themselves.
Love, Pa

Lauren Szilagyi said...

One day I'll marry Julius.

Polly Blevins said...

THat movie was on last night. We watched it.

Alison said...

Its in my top 5 for sure!

Did you go listen to Coach Boone when he gave a seminar our freshman year?

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