Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great few weeks

Don't worry, the title implies I'm doing a two week catch up, but I'm not that type of blogger. This really isn't a journal, so it's totally okay that I skip the GREAT evening I spent with my students and my hubby at the Smithsonian in celebration of a book my darlings created.

I can also skip the awesome field trip we took to Gettysburg that Friday. I love History and I love my little darlings. Great day.

One thing I do feel bad about skipping is the awesome weekend I spent with the parent-in-laws. They are such good company. They were here for this:
I'm so proud of Ben! This is such a mark of on to bigger and better things, which we all know can be scary.

We celebrated by going here:
Shenandoah, VA. This pic is of the Big Meadow, probably the most touristy spot in the park. Right when we got in there we saw this little fawn flopping around in the grass. It was so cute!

We went on hike to some great waterfalls, and we saw several doe on our way through the forest. One was literally right in the trail and not at all startled by our rowdiness. We were hustling to get out before sunset.

This bridge came all the way from Minnesota. Weird. So green!

Me and my honey, Ansel Adams (above picture says it all).

At the top of the falls. I was impressed with my go-go.

This is the one who was on the trail on the way out. Ben sacrificed his hat for me, since I forgot a pony tail holder. Such love.

In the South District the next morning. We had to camp in a KOA type thing just outside the park cause all four of the sites in the park were full. Imagine how upset this pregnant lady was to hear that after driving for two hours! Thank goodness for Elkton Camp Resort!

These flowering bushes were all over.
Another Waterfall hike. We wanted to do some peak hikes, but there is always so much fog in Shenandoah, yes fog in hot steamy May.

This fall had two parts. The part right next to us was big enough for full families to swim around in. They sure looked like they were having fun.

This is the bottom half of that top picture. It was a big fall.

My favorite little bushes on the ever famous Appalachian Trail. It was our final hike, we were super beat after that one. On our drive out, a bobcat ran right in front of us. It was Ben's favorite part of the whole weekend. I thought it was cool too, but the fawn was too hard to beat. Last time we went we saw a bear, this park is a guarantee!

It was such a great weekend and I already miss Shenandoah. Good thing we finally bought a year long pass. Can't believe we didn't do that until year three of our DC stay. It's no Yellowstone or Zions, but I sure love this park. I can't sit at the bottom of those falls without offering a prayer of thanks to our Dear Creator.


Polly Blevins said...

We have the end of the appalachain trail here. It is so beautiful up there. I love it!!! Your pictures are beautiful. Congrats to Ben and you. Do you plan on staying in D.C. now or do you even know what your future brings? Change is so fun and even more fun when you have a partner with you.

Jaime Cox Bassett said...

Congratulations!!!! on so many levels- We now have a lawyer, and doctor in the family! I am so PROUD of you guys!!!! It looks like you had a GREAT trip! Beautiful Pic's!!!! Also, I am so sooo EXCITED for you- it's so much fun bein a mom, n lil boys are PRECIOUS!!!! Congrats, Congrats!!! loVe u-

Claudia said...

Beautiful scenery! We would have loved to be with you, except for the camping part. Is there a BW nearby? I'm excited that you're thinking of making a trip to Utah while Ben takes his bar in Wisconsin. We would absolutely LOVE having you, sis.
Keep thinking about Ralph. I think it is a way cute name and it's up to you to keep up the family name, as the boys haven't done so well yet.

Claudia said...

Congrats Benjamin! We are proud of you and your accomplishments! Love the nature shots. What a beautiful world He did create for us! Sounds like you have had some wonderful times these last two weeks.

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