Almost 33 weeks and I haven't taken a picture since 24. Oops.
We are so in love with our little dude. Yesterday he did the wave in my belly and Ben and I both just burst out laughing. I think its more fun to watch him move around than it is to feel him. It seems like he's dropping and not really switching positions . . . but he is still just such a mover.
We FINALLY went and purchased some baby items yesterday. Just the essentials (car seat, diapers, crib, baby wash, and other newborn items). It feels really good to finally think he may not have to live propped up between two boxes. Granted, his crib won't be here for 6 to 8 weeks and he's coming in about 7 . . . so we'll see how that goes. And no, he's not sleeping in our room. Everyone keeps telling me we don't need a crib, but when your hubby has night terrors . . . you do.
As we were shopping Ben kept looking at items and saying "We'll just strap him in here and send him down the river like baby Moses." Or, "He doesn't need baby wash; we'll just put him in the river like baby Moses." I don't know where this obsession with Moses came from, but it's about to become his middle name.
We start our birthing classes next week. It will be so good to really get in the labor mindset. I'm so crazily excited for him to be here.
4 years ago
So will you take this year off to have him or just the maternity leave and going back? I'm just curious, so props to whatever you decide to do!
you will totally love having a crib right off the bat for him! my advice is to get a rocking chair or recliner that you can put in his room too (handy for those middle-of-the-nite feedings). We put j in his crib in his own room from the very first nite he was at home and we have never had any problems with him sleeping in his room (except when his molars started coming in last march!) Good luck!! can't wait to see more pics :)
I can't tell you how excited I am to meet my new little nephew. you and Ben are going to be great parents..well you will for sure Ben might be a little weird ie sending Baby Reid down the river like Moses. And I couldn't stop laughing when I read your post about night terrors don't let him sleep with Ben, he might think he is a gremlin or something weird like that. I hope to see you guys soon not sure when that will be though. I love you both so much! Kiss that belly for me!
I'm agreeing with the no-crib-in-the-same-room idea. We sleep horribly when one of the kids is sharing our room like when staying in a hotel or at the grandparents. From the beginning, we put both our babies in their own room. Good luck with the next few weeks!
I'm in on the different rooms too. Much better sleep for all three of you. Also, I agree on the rocker. I have one and it is great but I would prefer a glider. That way you can put your feet up. I always fall asleep feeding so you might as well be as comfortable as possible.
Oh how fun!!! I can hardly wait to meet little Reid. Ma's been checking out airfare deals. Prices are fairly low right now. When are you planning to name him? I could probably get my ticket now.
Love, Grandpa B
You better watch out about being 'crazily' excited about baby Reid! You know how we Bassetts are! But must admit I am 'crazily' excited for the little guy to come also!
I'm so excited for you. Kids are the best.
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