Thursday, May 24, 2018


After screaming for five solid minutes, Coraline finally fell asleep at about 2:53 this afternoon. Mara crawled off my lap and crossed the front room to the couch where Lou lay. Mara gave her big sister a gentle snuggle. Then she looked at me and smiled. That smile said so much. It said, "I love Coraline." It said, "I'm glad she's happy now." It said "I'm growing up mom. I'm a big kid now. I understand emotions and needs and I love being part of this crazy family."

It was such a sweet little smile.

And as I watched that smile spread across her face, I remembered that I have virtually no record of Mara's growing. Her toddler years are in full swing, and I've written down no memories -- shared no pictures.

She started reading Coraline (who was fast asleep) her favorite book; the book I had been reading to her as Coraline screamed on and on from the adjacent couch. "Squeak, Zoom, Vroom" was clutched in one fist and her other hand was swung across Coraline's neck as she leaned in with more and more hugs. She was cuddling her (finally calm) big sister as she read her a book.

I didn't even care that this loving act would likely wake Coraline up out of the slumber she so desperately needed. I just wanted to stay frozen in that moment. "Keek um gee, keek um gee" were the noises she mimicked as she flapped the pages near Coraline's sweet face. I couldn't believe my baby was big enough to read a book to her sister as she lovingly cuddled her.

That's where we're at in life right now. I remember thinking, "I need to blog about this." In recent weeks I've been thinking a lot about blogging again. I figured I'd just start back up with a bunch of word vomit.

We went to Kalahari resort with the cousins back in December. Nell has rocked 4K. Reid sleeps in the basement now. I ran for public office. Yup, I was on televised forums and everything. I voted for myself. I took my three little girls with me and voted for myself. Oh, and Ben was on TV one week too. He was forced to represent a crazy narcissist who took a bike shop hostage and shot at the police when they arrived (the police returned fire and killed a hostage). Yeah, I could spew a lot of word vomit on this here blog.

But today as I watched Mara kiss Coraline repeatedly, I knew that that was the moment I had to start blogging about. Just before I sat down to write this Mara started screaming from her crib (which is in Nell and Coraline's room now). As I dragged myself into their room I felt how tired my poor body is; I remembered why I haven't blogged for so long. I'm so tired each night. But no more excuses. I want to keep capturing the sweet moments of motherhood that make all the tired worth it.

I want to remember Mara's cute curls, her sweet snuggles, her favorite books, and the beautiful way she fits right into our family.
A photo I snapped while shopping at Costco 10 days ago

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