Monday, January 13, 2020

One on One Time

I'm a big believer in the importance of one on one time. Whether it's letting the five-year-old style your hair while you sit on the toilet or taking the three-year-old swimming for an hour one day, spending individual time with each child can (temporarily) fix so many behavior problems and really help build a strong loving connection in the home. 

Man I wish I had a photo of Mara floating on the water as I placed the tip of my nose on hers and sang a silly song about how much I love her. It was such a magical moment. Something so simple and so small, yet so powerful and holy. 

She went to bed with very little fuss tonight, which is kind of a miracle around here lately. I absolutely think the two are connected. It's interesting, because I spend time with just Mara every afternoon. But today was different. I wasn't on my phone, running errands, cleaning house, or any of the other long list of activities I occupy my time with. I was present with her in that YMCA pool. There is power in that. 

And there is also a great deal of power in that photo above. That one on one time wasn't planned, it wasn't long, it wasn't even intentional. It was simply a child bugging her mother while that mom sought some bathroom privacy early one Friday morning (last Friday, to be exact).  

One on one time is a struggle in a big family. Especially when big kids have to be out of the house before 7 am each school day, mom works two part time jobs, and life just pulls everyone in different directions. But tonight I go to bed recommitted to honoring that special time where my most loved humans know they have my undivided attention all to themselves for even just a brief moment of time.  

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