Friday, October 30, 2020

Nell's 8th Birthday Interview (5 weeks later)

 How old are you? Eight

What makes you happy? Family

What is your favorite animal? Giant Panda, Red Panda, Flamingo, Sloth, and Armadillo

What is your favorite thing to eat? Salmon

What is your least favorite thing to eat? 

What is your favorite thing to do? Play with Coraline and Mara and Reidy

What is your favorite TV show? Carmen San Diego

What are you really good at? Playing Soccer and the Piano

What is your favorite Movie? Moana

What is your favorite color? Purple

What is your favorite song? You are My Sunshine and Kesha's Praying

Who is your best friend? Brooklyn, Addy and Aubryn, Georgia and Ellary

What do you and your mom do together? Play board games or read

What do you and your dad do together? Wrestle Fight

Where is your favorite place to go? Grandma Bassett's house, and Grandma Szilagyi's

What is your favorite book? Jasmine Toguchi series, Wings of Fire graphic novels, and Charlotte's Web

What do you want to be when you grow up? Nurse at Mercy Medical

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