Friday, January 10, 2020

Reid's Birthday

Reid requested an ocean cake for his birthday this year, and though I don't actually remember, I'm sure his dinner was quinoa bites and shrimp. Boy loves shrimp!

His birthday fell on a Thursday with a no school Friday behind it. But most his celebration took place on Saturday. For Reid's "experience" he chose to take two friends to Badger Sports Park for some Laser Tag, inflatable fun, arcade games, and laser mazes. Coraline and Nell got to tag along, of course. 

Reid's two friends were Ben and Lizzie. The three of them plus Nell spent 30 minutes playing four different laser tag games, and Lizzie was a top score (against adults even) in one round. It was a pretty intense laser tag set up. The Laser maze and inflatables were a lot of fun as well. And of course, they could have wasted so much money on arcade games. 

Reid was having so much fun with his two best buddies, that I figured I'd call their moms and see if they could extend their playtime and join us at the Church trunk or treat party. Ben was pretty stoked to wear Reid's grim reaper costume, and Lizzie was glad he had a ninja costume but quickly realized it would be way too big, so we swung her by her house to pick up hers. While Reid may not look dressed up ... he is. He's a dino trainer. It was a pretty special afternoon turned evening with his two best friends.

I can't believe we have a nine year old in this house. Half way to adulthood! Sheesh that's crazy. Reid is such a kind, sensitive kid. I'm so glad he is the leader of our little pack of kids. He's really started to fall in love with independent reading. He's an excellent goal setter. Basketball is becoming his favorite sport. I could go on and on, but I guess I'll let his interview (which I just did today) do the talking. 

How old are you? Nine
What makes you happy? Mara
What is your favorite animal? Blobfish, Kiwi bird, and Komodo Dragon
What is your favorite thing to eat? Shrimp
What is your least favorite thing to eat? Umm ... Oakwood Elementary Macoroni and Cheese?
What is your favorite thing to do? Play
What is your favorite TV show? Planet Earth
What are you really good at? I'm really good at ... Dinosaurs? (mom says, defense in Basketball)
What is your favorite Movie? Kunut and his Friends and Jurassic World
What is your favorite color? Navy Blue (even though he picked "the deepest red" for this activity ;) )
What is your favorite song? Jurassic World original picture soundtrack
Who is your best friend? Oh my gosh, one or two? Ben, Lizzie, Dougie ,Livi, Miles, Zeke, Trevor, Austin, and Aiden
What do you and your mom do together? Play board games 
What do you and your dad do together? Go on walks in the nature preserve and play video games
Where is your favorite place to go? Utah
What is your favorite book? Amulet Series, Wings of Fire Series, and Nature books
What do you want to be when you grow up? Zoologist and pro-fisher

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