Ben and I just went to Baby Mama and I loved it. He didn't, which is typical. We do not have the same taste, but I love him cause he takes me to movies I want to see. Anyway, it was so funny! I love Tina Fey and Amy Pohler. They are such a pair. I was hoping for a newscast, but it didn't happen. The storyline is totally original and not 100% predictable. There was one point where I thought "I have no idea how this is going to end" and that usually doesn't happen in chic flics. Which it is. The commercials didn't allude to that but there's a great love story. Overall A+ movie.
I also recently watched Juno and loved it. I think Ellen Page is a brilliant actress. She's gorgeous too, even though she always has a spunky pony tail. If your a little prudish I only suggest Baby Mama, Juno's a real PG-13, Baby Mama is surprisingly clean. Anyway, back to my review of Juno. Also very original and very cute. The supporting cast is great too. All very funny. Love her mom and dad.
So what's with the pregnant lady movies? I love em. Wish I was pregnant, oops did my fingers slip . . .
5 years ago
i so want to see that movie with tina fae- (now i can't remember the name of it... maybe it is because i have pregnant brain.) and i loved juno too! ellen page is so cute!
Lane and I just watched Juno last night and loved it! I thought there were so many 1 liners.. I was laughing the whole time.
I haven't seen "Baby Mama" yet, but I LOVED "Juno". I agree, Ellen Page is so pretty, even with her little pony-tails. :) I know, these pregnant movies are so fun! Is it making you baby hungry??? :)
Ahh! My big girl is all grown up!! I knew it wouldn't take much for you to figure out the HTML, you are such a bright girl...I changed your text color, so check it out and let me know what you think? I can change it again, just give me a little direction.
I took your word and rented Juno...I've gotten mixed reviews but the general consensus has me talked into seeing it. I had to chuckle when you used the word unpredictable. Took me right back to the days of shhh-shing you during movies, EVEN AT THE THEATRE you never let your thoughts go without voice. Oh Liz! I still love you to pieces.
Well...stop wishing. Just get pregnant. That would make your life really interesting and I am sure way less stressful. :) In fact you should get pregnant right now get really really sick so you can't go have fun in July either! :) :)
I actually wasn't a fan of Juno! I know shoot me. I thought the acting was good, but I really hated that the guy turned out to be that big of a freak/predator! I can't wait to see baby mama...I have heard really good things about it! In fact I am breaking bed rest rules (for my sanity) and we are going with our friends Monday night! I hope I like it as much as others have!
Jason does need to be booted! I mean come on...he has a pleasant voice, but he sings the same song every week it just has different words?! Nick's mom is obsessed with him...I guess it's those "mom's" out there that are keeping him in it.LOL. Love ya!
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