National Thank President Barack Obama Day.

Why you may ask? Go look at your last pay check. Notice it was a little bigger? That's right, it may be unbelievable (to my repulican readers) but this Dem actually gave us a tax break. It's part of an economic stimulus plan, similar to George's checks we all got in the mail last year. That check was made out to me in the form of $600. I timesed my 40 dollar raise by 26 (# of pay checks I receive each year) and you know what, Obama's plan gives me almost double what Bush's did. So HA! Whether you like him or not, I command you all thank him today. You'd have thanked your boss if the raise had come for him, right? And I bet you thanked old George W. last year when you got that check in the mail, right? So join with me and thank Obama, even if it's the only reason you can come up with for liking a filthy liberal.
Thanks Prez. We love you. You've got the country back on track! Keep up the great work.
yeah liz... Lets thank him for giving us more so that when he screws everything over we can just turn around and give it back with all the other tax increases! I am not rep. or democratic. I think both parties aren't what they use to be. I think people on both sides are stupid, but I think people are praising Obama before he's even done anything. If he were to die tomorrow the only thing he'd have accomplished was to get elected because he was black. A white guy with the same history and past wouldn't have even made into the bid! (I mean really... "When is the pres's new puppy going to be there?" OOWW... yes do tell... lets waste 30 minutes of news to cover when and what kind of puppy the girls are going to get... or how bout michelle's "gardening" in high heels and a dress! COME ON!
sorry... black leather patent boots! PRACTICAL!
News in California sounds interesting. LOL! I'm in DC and we don't even get that kind of coverage on the Pres. family.
And thank you Shara for the challenge. I looked into # of years experience each of our Past Presidents have had. Obama ranks with the likes of Abe, FDR, Teddy, and Woodrow Wilson. Some of the greatest presidents we've ever had. Grover Cleavland also had little political experience . . . but who's he right?
And arguably, the two worst Presidents we've ever had -- James Buchanan and Warren Harding -- had the most experience. Which I think just proves the point that politicians are evil and the longer you're involved the more evil you get.
And all jokes aside, I believe George Washington had absolutely no experience with American Politics and he did a swell job.
Thanks for giving me a research opp! :)
Oh, and . . . Obama actually has more prior political experience than W had. So you can't use the argument that all those without experience were old dudes from generations ago. Bush had only 6 years, Obama had 8. So if color won Obama the vote . . . what got Bush to the ballot?
(That last question is actually sincere, not snide)
I'm sorry, Liz. You will never get me on the Obama train. But boy do you represent Democrats well!!!!
And I will say it again, Shar. I don't think you know what you have gotten yourself into :)
I can hold my own... But let me clarify... I never said a bit about his experience... I am just saying that he hasn't done anything yet! Everyone is making him out to be the savior of our counrty and Liz... He hasn't done anything yet! So... with time, facts, and the philosophy of, "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN ANY DEMOCRAT!" I did not vote for Obama and I don't have the same steamy night dreams that you do about his man... I just wish people would let him do something before we throw him into the ranks with GOD! (out here he is literally referred to as the savior!) So... throw fact after fact at me if you would like, but let me ask you again... What has he done already to be held in that regard beside being the first African American pres? (I agree... AWESOME! I just don't agree with it being him! I think Pres. Palmer would run the country better. LOL (24?!)So Liz my seriously brain damaged dem. friend... TIME WILL TELL! THATS ALL I WAS SAYING! I am never going to care about it as much as you for sure, but you can bet that he isn't all that and the bag of chips that you do!
I think that W wouldn't have been my pick either. You never answered the questions about his past... how do you get past that? Do you really think you could go to a church like that with a pastor like that and not carry some of the same ideals! again... I am not going to give you any more fuel on the fire. It's great that we are friends and can definitely agree to disagree!
Oh, when you said past and history I thought you were referring to his political background. I forget about the other stuff. And that's probably just cause I know plenty of African-Americans who are fed the same fire Obama was from his pastor and they are perfectly normal and civilized in their behavior and attitude toward others. So I easily over look that. But just so we are all clear, I do look at him with critical eyes -- not just lustful ones. He's already done a couple things that make me frown, so I in no way look at him like a savior. And I think people who do are crazy. I just loved him for his underdog charisma, but after that rubbed off I was over it (now it's just his good looks).
Nick was all worried last night that we were fighting...I told him no and that things are ok between us! He really was like "Oh shara, you shouldn't reply, you know she is a politic savage!" I laughed and said, "Once someone gets her going she is going to tear into them!" lol!
President Palmer, 24. I LOVE IT!!!
Those last few comments were me, I was doing a little test. Sorry Liz.
Yeah, tell Nick all my replies were with a smile. I really actually enjoyed doing my little research about experience, even if that wasn't what you were talking about. And you can tell him I love when people get me going! So I love you for your comments. And though I always defute what people say, I truly listen and think about it. And I'll be the first to admit he's been a lot of talk. If he leaves office without at least trying to fix our health care problems, I won't be too happy with him, Even if he's got that dreamy smile.
Liz, you really crack me up. I love how passionate you are. Thank you Pres. Obama!
our pay check was actually SMALLER!! He won't be getting any thanks from us! :)
I loved reading all the comments -- didn't agree with most of them, but then I've lived in the minority my entire life. I used to receiving no respect!
A couple of important points:
Grover Cleveland was president when Utah was admitted to the Union. He was a Democrat and did do at least one thing right!
As for Obama not doing anything, how the hell can he with those damn Republicans voting as a solid block against him? I love how they've gathered their wagons and are going to vote block style on everything. Hope it burns 'em good in the end!
Finally, did W really do much of anything? For some reason I can't remember -- oh yeah searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq -- I almost forgot.
Good night. I love you sis!
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