Reid has been taking swim lessons every Friday since the beginning of the New Year. His teacher is fabulous, and there are only two other kids (both girls) in his class. It has been money well spent. Typically I put Nell in the drop off day care and I go work out during his lesson, but due to my stitches I was unable to do so this week. So, I took it as an opportunity to snap some pictures. Please excuse me while I bombard you with photos.
Warming up. |
Splashing around. |
Practicing his belly float. |
Ready to swim a lap independently. |
Going the distance! |
What Nell thinks of Reid's swim lessons. |
Until mommy brings out leftover breakfast. |
Yum, pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes! |
Waiting his turn for one on one time; look at that belly! |
Practicing his diving pose. |
Getting ready to dive into his teachers arms. |
It happened so fast I missed it, but here he is floating happily afterward. |
Props to his teacher for lifting him up and flying him around! |
As you can see he is having a lot of fun and learning valuable new skills. He never wants to leave. There are so many great things about swimming lessons at this age.
#1 -- Research shows toddlers and preschoolers who take swim lessons are less likely to drown.
#2 -- He is learning to listen to his teacher and to take turns.
#3 -- Core muscles are strengthened and large motor skills are practiced.
#4 -- It fosters independence.
I know I already said it, but I do really love his teacher. After today's lesson we went to a play date at a friend's house, and she asked who Reid's teacher was. When I answered "Miss Jamie" she flashed a jealous smile across her face. Miss Jamie subbed for her son's class one week and they both fell in love. "She told me what they were working on and why, and she spent extra time with him after the class time was over." I smiled, nodded and said, "I know! That's how she is every week. We love her!"
It is so fun to watch your kids interact with other adults, when you can see how special those adults make your child feel. She always comes up with fun ways to practice the skill they are learning, When they were diving off the wall she told them to pretend to be a piece of pie (Reid insisted on being a piece of cake), and her arms were the plate they were to jump on to. In that last picture, where she is flying him around like a plane, he was suppose to have his arms together (to practice the diving pose), and then his plane would take a nose dive into the water. They circle up and play Ring Around the Rosie. Instead of falling they dunk themselves (or at least they are suppose to, Reid isn't quiet there). They play a motor boat game where they pretend to be the engine and rev (blow bubbles) fast or slow depending on the beat of the song. Such simple but exciting ways to teach preschoolers important swimming skills.
We only have two weeks left, but I won't hesitate to sign him up again.
Loved the pictures. I thought for a moment Ava was taking lessons with him in one of those pictures! Fun, fun times.
When you come this summer we will have to do lessons. He did great and I love his cute little face in those photos! P.S. His teacher needs to shave her armpits.
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