Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Money, money, money

I had money on my mind a couple different times today. Here are some truths about money that I believe in.

1. Having money and the pursuit of it are not inherently evil, how you choose to spend your money is what determines it's goodness/evilness.
2. Money does not equal happiness (studies prove this), but being financially secure ($80,000 a year) does lower stress.
3. No matter how much money you have, you should always care about price tags.
4. Poverty is much more complex than people with money make it out to be.

Why were these thoughts on my mind? Well, Ben and I discussed point #2 on our drive home from Illinois this past weekend. I read the article highlighted in point #4 a several days ago and absolutely love it. Also, whenever I go to the YMCA I am filled with gratitude for their scholarship program -- which uses donations from the community to assist families like mine. We get a $14 discount each month. Nothing extreme, but still $14 in savings is $14 I can use to drop my kids off at the Y daycare while I work out, or $14 I can use to put Reid in swimming lessons. So yes, that $14 pretty much goes back to the Y anyway, but I am grateful they have a program that allows your monthly fee to be adjusted to meet the demands of your income.

And finally, tonight I attended a L'BRI PURE 'n NATURAL event. The founders, Linda and Brian Kaminski, were there to celebrate my sponsor's promotion to Executive Manager. I think L'BRI is a fabulous company and it has been exciting to watch women I know succeed in this business model. Still, no matter how long I'm with L'BRI I'm just not motivated by the free vacations or the free cars. Money is not a motivator for me. I know that puzzles many of the people I work with within L'BRI. At one point in the evening Linda asked something a long the lines of "Why are you at your current job?" The answer was money. I laughed inside. I would never teach (or stay at home with my kids) for the money. In fact, had my teaching salary been less I still would have done it and loved it.

As much as I appreciated the motivational speeches presented this evening, and I'm grateful they reminded me of the importance of goal setting and personal improvement, I'm just not motivated by money. I suppose that would be my truth #5.

5. Money does not motivate my career choices.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Where did the $80K figure come from? I'm interested because I think even in Connecticut where things are ridiculously expensive, $80K per year would actually reduce our stress level significantly.

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