Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Camp Ideas

I did nothing to plan or prepare for camp, so I take no credit for the ideas I'm about to share, but I thought I'd mention the activities our stake did while at camp, in case someone else is looking for ideas.

I already mentioned Monday nights Faith Walk. I highly recommend this. It gives youth a great chance to learn New Testament stories from a deeper, more personal point of view. It would work great as a night walk for a combined YM/YW activity. And it goes fabulously with this year's theme, Come Unto Christ.

On Tuesday we went to a ropes course and team building camp. The girls were able to participate in five different activities: archery, rock climbing, the ropes course (which was crazy awesome), team building, and BB-gun shooting. The ropes course had zip lines and obstacles that looked like they came right out of Gladiator competitions. Talk about a self esteem boost for many of our girls! The team building was creative. The group had to guide a blindfolded individual to certain objects; only one girl could talk and she was not facing the blindfolded girl, so she had to interpret hand signals given by the other girls to direct the one blindfolded. That might not make sense in writing, I should have taken a picture. They also had to get their entire group (about 12 people) across three platforms with just one beam (that didn't quite reach between platform #1 and #2). That one took a few different tries.

Wednesday was certification day. They also had opportunities to do crafts (mostly at the ward level) and service. I loved this years service. The stake often provides a craft time in addition to the ward crafts, but this year they combined that into the service. Each ward had a list of widows, and the girls were in charge of making homemade cards and pampering gift bags for each widow. So a couple girls worked on putting together bath salts and homemade soap bars. A couple others put together the goody bags and all the materials, and another group made the cards. Each girl had to sign the card, and I was mean and made them all leave one personal message (just a sentence) to each sister. Now I'll divide the task of delivery. I was really impressed with the level of thought that went into this craft/service project.

(pictures of compiled gift bags coming)

Thursday will be more certification and then Bishops show up for dinner and devotionals with their wards (I'll ride over with a couple from our Bishopric). Then the stake gathers for testimony meeting. Friday morning they'll pack up and head home.

I may be missing something, but overall I'm really impressed with all the work our stake camp directors go to. They have been doing it all three years I've been involved at the ward level, and I've really grown to love them.

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