Monday, July 21, 2014

Mary of Bethany

That dress is not flattering on me. What a horrible picture?  But ... do I look like I'm from New Testament times? Cause that's all that matters.

Two years ago, at the first Young Women's camp I attended, the Stake leaders asked me to be part of a Pioneer walk. I was to dress up like a pioneer (they provided the costume) and share the story of Mary Goble from her own perspective. It was fabulous experience, and apparently I didn't butcher the whole thing.

I am not an actress. I would be a horrible lead in a play. But monologues? Monologues I can handle. I was an English teacher after all. Publicly reading a "part" is what I do. Playing off the roles of other characters, not so much.

Anyway, I felt it was a great compliment that the same stake leaders asked me to be part of this years Faith Walk (last year they didn't have a "walk"). I'm not sure how they discovered the idea, but here is a link to an original blog post with the original outline. 

Unlike the previous Pioneer Walk, I was more on my own to study my role and come up with my own monologue. This obviously made things more difficult, but as is the nature of Gospel study, when you really have to search it out you are more greatly rewarded than when it is simply given to you.

This past week I have grown to really love Mary of Bethany, and especially her sister Martha. Poor Martha, she is so misunderstood!

Maybe, at some future date when I'm not playing catch-up, I'll share the monologue I wrote up and used. But not tonight.

To be continued ...

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