Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day #2, Mormon Bloggers

In the world of blogging, a lot of Mormons are pretty famous. Quite often I click on some parenting bit, preschool printout, or scrumptious recipe and find a Mormon blogger behind the link. For example, the other day I came across the Worst English Major Ever and I wondered how this women, this female blogger had sneeked into my head and stolen my thoughts. My guilt. My shame. Ugh, I'm a horrible English major. How have I not read a piece of quality literature since Reid started walking? I really was so struck by how perfectly the author captured my feelings. I just felt so connected to her, and it helped that we are both Mormon.

So today my list of five things will be ... five Mormon bloggers that I'm eternally grateful for. And you know I'm Mormon because I casually dropped "eternal" into that last sentence. But seriously, eternal gratitude to Josh, Ashlee, Naomi, Stephanie, and Mel.

1. In 2012 Josh Weed's Club Unicorn post went mega viral and I was left speechless. Really, no words. Absolutely amazing. I randomly check his blog (like, once every six months), and this past month I was really moved by his series of posts where he describes the journey of trying to become a published author. Honestly, I sobbed while I read post #14. I held my little Coraline in my arms and sobbed. Later that night I found out my friend lost her husband, so I sobbed some more. It was a teary day.

Josh's words of worth have stayed with me since that night two weeks ago. The amazing relationship he and Lolly have feels me with hope. His writing is comfort to this failed English major's soul.

2. Early in 2014 I had friend after friend sharing Ashlee Birk's amazing story. It became impossible to ignore, and once I started reading it became impossible to sleep. Ashlee's strength and triumph is astounding. I cannot imagine carrying on as she did. I felt touched by the Spirit in nearly all her posts, but it wasn't even the spiritual parts that kept bringing me back. Reading her story felt like a fictional movie. A total train wreck, yet she stood tall through all of it. I have never forgotten her strength and unwavering love as a mother. Anytime I'm faced with a trial I think of Ashlee and her amazing courage. She is a testament that we can do hard things, especially with God by our side.

3. and 4. In 2014 I dove head first into the blogging world, when I decided to write a post every. day. of. the. year. It was a daunting task and I found myself needing to follow other mommy/lifestyle blogs for inspiration. I was sucked into Catholic mommy blogs for a while, and really enjoyed many of them. But then I wondered about mormon mommy blogs. So I googled it. Yup, I googled it and found a fascinating salon article about mormon lifestyle blogs. From that list of recommendations I fell in love with  Stefanie  and  Naomi. I fought it good and hard, because I knew their perfectly designed houses and gorgeously edited photos had the potential to make me hate my simple, middle-class, Midwest life, but their writing is just so comforting. They share their day to day lives with such beauty, and I have found real peace in knowing these women are on the same eternal journey I am, teaching their kids the same eternal principles I am.

Originally I followed a handful of Mormon mommy blogs, but by the year's end and are the only ones I still check weekly (and is the Catholic mommy blog that I stuck with -- plus my friend Amy's).

5. And I can't make a list like this without giving a shout out to Mel at Mel's Kitchen Cafe. She rarely brings up religion or worship (like almost never), but she is Mormon and the absolute best food blogger around. Her recipes have given me the confidence and skills I need to cook healthy, from scratch, amazing dishes -- everything from hot breakfasts to party side dishes. I've tried hundreds of her recipes and never once been disappointed or frustrated.

So there they are, five Mormon bloggers I hope to meet -- and high five -- on the other side of the veil. 

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