Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Silly Things Lou Says

Coraline is speaking pretty full sentences now, but there were a couple cute sayings from her 2-year-old stage that I don't want to forget.

"Gotta wait me guys, gotta wait me," was often heard as she tried to catch up with Reid and Nell. She's never wanted to be left out of their fun.

One morning she asked Ben "What are the numbers in my belly?" After some serious questioning he finally figured out what she really meant was "What are the letters in my name?" It's practically the same thing, right?  For a while whenever she'd see a C, O, R, A, L, I, N, or E; she'd shout "That's one of the numbers in my belly!" We've finally got her down to just "That's one of my numbers." I'm not sure when she'll finally remember they are letters, not numbers -- and their in her name, not her belly.

Silly Lou!

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