Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nights Out with the Big Kids

This past Friday I took Reid and Nell out for some shopping. They each needed a new bag -- Reid for his upcoming school swim lessons, Nell for her piano books. I needed to buy some shop vac supplies for the basement work Ben has been doing (it flooded when we got hit with a rain storm on top of our Spring melt). Plus, I wanted to take Nell to the Oshkosh (B'Gosh) outlet to try clothes on get a feel for what size she'd be wearing this summer.

Anyway, the two of them got pretty silly and wild in the Hobby Lobby parking lot. The air was cool, but not cold. The sky was still bright with setting sunlight. And I was just loving this special time with my two big kids. It felt like such a treat to be out with just them. The ease of not having to buckle anyone or worry about holding hands in a parking lot felt so freeing. Everything about that moment was pretty perfect.

Those two sure do love each other. Their friendship has always been strong, but I think this little hiccup of having to share a room again (due to the basement flooding, Reid's room was destroyed) has brought them close together all over again.

There's really nothing spectacular to write about this particular evening out. I just want to hold on to that memory of taking the two of them shopping with me. At the clothing store, I sent Reid to the clearance rack and told him to pick out a new jacket. He definitely picked one I would have looked right over, but it's also completely 100% his style.

On the drive home one of my favorite songs came on the radio and we turned it up nearly as loud as we could and sang our little hearts out. It was such a magical evening. I don't have a picture to capture it, but we did have a similar night out about a month ago. 

There school had a fundraiser at the Wisconsin Herd game, so we went and cheered on Coach Brady's team. It was so fun to be in that arena with these two big kids. I joke that I want them to stop growing up, but the truth is -- my love for them grows as steadily as they do. Keep growing my lilttle loves. 

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