Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reid's Finally a master Builder

This morning Reid came into my room to show me some Lego creations he had built. This boy has always loved legos. But he mostly relied on the sets. And of course, they always broke as time went on because he'd drop them or whatever. Anything he built on his own always started with a chunk of an old set. It felt like he couldn't just think of an idea and come up with it all from scratch. 

That frustrated him immensely at times. He would want to rebuild sets, but he has over 2,000 tiny pieces and it was not my favorite thing to sort, organize and then collect all the pieces for one set. I did tell him I would do this about two years ago. And getting those sets together has been really sloooooow moving, ha! 

During all the COVID stuff the kids fell back in love with Ninjago, because I'd just checked a Ninjago Xbox game out from the library.  And with all the extra time I had on my hands, I was able to sort out his two biggest Ninjago sets for him and he built them. 

When he realized I was going to struggle to keep putting together other sets he decided to start making some of his own, all from scratch with the organized pieces. And I have been so impressed and proud of him. It's a reminder that I know his brain is brilliant and I just need to be patient with him figuring things out when he's old enough (this applies to his reading abilities too). 


Those top photos are the creations he made today.  The bottom ones are a sweet truck he built early in the summer. It did break once when he dropped it, but then he just built it up even better and cooler. It has so many awesome details that are hard to see in the photos, but I did take a video of him explaining it once. I'll have to see if I can upload it. 

I sure love this guy. I don't think I can even say "little" guy anymore. He's such a sweet kid with a wonderful heart and a brilliant brain. It's been a dream to watch you grow up my sweet Reid.

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