Friday, August 22, 2014

Missionaries for Dinner

Since moving to Wisconsin, Ben and I have tried to have the missionaries over for dinner at least once a month. Certain sets have the pleasure of frequenting more often. And when a young girl was taking the lessons in our home, we had Missionaries over almost every week for three or four months.

Then this summer happened. The other day Reid asked me why we don't have the missionaries anymore, and I realized I hadn't even noticed our slacking. So last Sunday I signed up for both the Elders and Sisters before the month is over.

Wednesday night my friend asked if I could watch her two kids for four hours on Thursday (yesterday) and I happily agreed. When the morning started turning gloomy I knew I was in trouble. I usually just let the kids run around outside until they tire themselves out, and then they eat a snack and watch a movie. It's pretty easy. But I just knew today was going to rain, rain, rain. So I prepped some crafts and ran to the gas station for gummy worms.

I let them play for the first hour, but once they started to rough house (boys) and get bored (girls) I pulled out the crafts. The girls were busy for 30 minutes, the boys -- 10. After we cleaned up crafts I had them make a yummy, muddy, wormy snack. They crushed their own oreos and graham crackers and then layered their "dirt" (cookies), "mud" (chocolate pudding) and worms. It was a hit. Reid later told me that was his favorite part of the whole day.

They played a bit longer and then the rain finally cleared, so we went outside and ran down the street, splashing through all the puddles we could find. It was so cute watching Nell try to keep up with the three big kids. I love her run!

Finally, I turned on a movie and they mostly calmed down to watch it. They were still playing toys, but the movie seems to tame the rough housing. Immediately after they left I snuggled up with Nell and the two of us took a little nap together in the nursery rocking chair. It was delightful. Because I was exhausted.

Ben came home at about 5:20, and just as we were discussing what we could possibly do for dinner the doorbell rang. Reid answered it, with Ben right behind him, and from the kid's bedroom I heard "Were we suppose to have you for dinner tonight?"

My house was a wreck! And I really couldn't think of a thing to feed the poor sister missionaries who had showed up for our dinner appointment. I'd say I am embarrassed, but honestly, I was so exhausted I didn't even care. They assured us they were full on homemade fries an elderly sister in the ward just fed them, and we rescheduled for tonight.

Luckily, I'm pretty sure we redeemed ourselves with some yummy grilled margarita pizza (toppings straight from our garden), BBQ drumsticks, fresh green beans, and salad. After their fabulous lesson (they used an object lesson I've never seen before -- which never happens, since Ben and I were both young missionaries ourselves), we made some fresh peach frozen yogurt. That was probably the best eat of the whole night, and the other three fresh dishes were pretty amazing (the salad was a simple store bought bag, my only none fresh item of the night).

It was really fabulous to have missionaries in our house again. Reid jumped right back into his routine of sitting up on the couch with them and teaching by their side. Before they began he even asked me for his special book (his own copy of The Book of Mormon).

The Elders are coming next week, and I put it on the calendar as to make sure we don't forget!

In other crazy I-can't-keep-up-with-my-kids news, Nell pushed the 9-11 button in Ben's office elevator today. We saw lots of rescue vehicles show up to Daddy's work. What a thrill! Why on Earth are those emergency buttons right where two-year-old reach? And why on Earth is this one direct to 9-11?

Or if you're two and really like flashy buttons. 

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