Friday, December 5, 2014

Reid's Daily Snow Play

I'm back to show you just how much this little boy loves snow.

Every day, e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y, he spends 30 to 60 minutes outside playing in the snow. It's kind of perfect for me. I put Nell down for a nap after lunch, and then I get Reid all bundled up for the cold. I watch him a bit out the front window, but for the most part I have a good dose of time to myself. Also, he never asks about preschool anymore (something I've totally given up on at this point). I honestly can't figure out how/why I couldn't get him to play outside by himself during nice weather days, but he begs for it during the chill of winter.

One day the high only reached 10degrees, so we had a conversation about being safe and how some times it is actually too cold to be safe outside for more than just a few minutes. He was disappointed, but handled the lock-in well. If it is anywhere around 20, he'll go outside and hardly appear affected by the cold weather. 

His favorite thing to do outside is to dig big balls of snow/ice with his garden shovel. He's been building a little pile all week. It's actually even bigger now than it is in these pictures (because they were taken a few days ago). He's really proud of his pile and loves when I watch him add to it.

Playing can be so much work! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious! Can't wait to build a snowman with my Reidy Beady!

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